The 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade

(1 Samodzielna Brygada Spadochronowa)

The 3rd Partition Of Poland

Austria-Russia-Prussia Alliance 1794 - 1914

Poor Poland! It had done nothing wrong but was part of a constant power struggle between Russia, Prussia (Germany) and Austria.

A 3rd Partition Of Poland would now result.

17 Second Guide To The Third Partition Of Poland

The entire video is here:

Poland Tries To Kick Out The Squatters

So, in March 1794, Polish patriot Tadeusz Kościuszko declared an uprising against the foreign powers occupying Poland (Russia, Prussia and Austria). (Again, to point out how history repeated itself, a similar scenario would happen in 1989 with the fall of Communism). In November 1794, this came to an end when Catherine II and Frederick William II intervened resulting in the capture of Tadeusz Kościuszko.

What happened next to Poland was rather disgusting.

Now Austria, Russia and Prussia decided to move in and completely liquidate the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth signing a treaty amongst themselves. Essentially, they wiped out Poland, it ceased to exist. Did they have any rights over Poland? No. But it was all too easy to use their military might to plunder their neighbour.

Thus ended the existence of Poland for the next 123 years.

In 1807 The Russian "Treaties Of Tilsit" was created the effect being that part of former Prussia (Germany) now became part of Russia. As a result the "Belostok Oblast" came to exist. An "Oblast" is "an administrative division or region in Russia". As from 1808 the "Belostok Oblast" included Bialystok, Bielsk, Sokolka and Drohiczyn. We know these loosely as "The Kresy Region".

So, in simple terms, in 1808 the Kresy Regions fell under Russian control.

In 1842 the "Belostok Oblast" was abolished and came to be included in the "Grodno Governorate" which was still part of the "Russian Empire". The population mainly consisted of Lithuanians, Poles, Belarusians, Tartars and some German Colonists.

In A Nutshell - The 3rd Partition Of Poland

  • Poland tries to get foreign powers (Russia, Prussia and Austria) ousted from its country
  • They fight back and cut up Poland between themselves
  • Poland ceases to exist for a further 123 years