The 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade

(1 Samodzielna Brygada Spadochronowa)

Haunting Photo's Of Largo House

The 1957 Photo Collection

In 2018 I became aware of a private collection of professionally taken photo's of Largo House, taken in 1957, just 6 years after the place was stripped out.

Having purchased rights on the photographs, I am proud to put into the public domain photo's that have not been previously seen.

These photos belong to the copyright holder © RCAHMS.  It's tempting to copy these photo's. Please do not copy these photos. Illegal copying of photos is theft. If you wish to obtain rights on the use of them, please contact the copyright holder.

Largo House Front Elevation

Note how the remains of the sweeping drive that went past the front door are still visible in the photo. In 1906 thats where the Model T car sat when that (very famous..and only photo of that period) was taken.

Largo House front elevation - Photo 1957
The front of Largo House - Photo 1957

If only Largo House could talk, what stories would it tell?

The Durham coat of arms above the "tympanum".

Front elevation of Largo House - Photo 1957
Front door pendant of Largo House - Photo 1957
Easterly view of Largo House - Photo 1957

Photos Of The Rear Of Largo House

The photo below is the rear of Largo House. When I was watching the video about Charles Brand the House stripper (on our page entitled "House Strippers"), I was struck by the remarkable architectural similarity of an unknown house that appears at 2:11 in the video.

The rear of Largo House - Photo 1957
Rear of Largo House - Photo 1957

Remains Of Largo House Conservatory

The conservatory was most likely added on many years after Largo House was originally built. It's all gone now and even the remains of the conservatory foundations are slowly succumbing to gravity as they crumble to the floor.

The remnants of the Conservatory base of Largo House - Photo 1957

The Stables

Elsewhere on this website you will see photos of the horses and dogs getting ready outside these very stables at Largo House, for a fox hunt.

The stables of Largo House - Photo 1957© RCAHMS
The stables of Largo House - Photo 1957

Later, the Polish soldiers of the 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade cut a large hole in the ceiling of this building and used it to practice jumping through (into a room filled with hay and old mattresses) as part of their training for exiting aircraft.

Behind the 2nd window (from the left) on the ground floor is where that room was. It too is all gone now, nothing of the roof or internals remains.

Side view of the stables at Largo House - Photo 1957

For many years, when the house was derelict, locals would visit it, children would even play in its ruins.

©St.Andrews Museum - 141 - Derelict Largo House© Fife Cultural Trust, Fife Council

Largo House - Present Day

Moving into the present day here are some photos I took in 2018;

Largo House, still beautiful, but dangerous to get too close to due to falling masonry©
Largo House, still beautiful, but dangerous to get too close to due to falling masonry
The stables at Largo House in 2018©
The stables at Largo House in 2018

A couple other images that are truly captivating;

Aerial view of Largo House, Upper Largo©
Aerial view of Largo House, Upper Largo
Winter view of Largo House©
Winter view of Largo House

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