The 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade

(1 Samodzielna Brygada Spadochronowa)

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This site is run as a passionate hobby of mine. However, as I run a business I may take up to a week to reply, sometimes more...


We don't require a website re-design, SEO services or any such service. Please refrain from messaging me.

Can I Help You Find Your Relatives?

Sadly no. This site is for general knowledge purposes, I don't run any sort of agency and am unable to help you personally locate your relatives. This site takes up the little spare time I have and is intended to guide you on the journey of locating ancestry details yourself.

If you are new to this, the best place to start your research is here: Click Here

If you have found this site useful, please feel free to drop me a line, it's always good to know I have helped someone. If you have any facts to add or have papers/photos that are on any of the subjects I cover, please get in touch, these materials are highly valuable to our community and give great insights that we can all learn from.

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Uncover The Past - Support The Future

Each year, about 12,000 people visit this website to trace their Polish ancestry, uncover family stories, and connect with their roots. I believe that history should be accessible to all - but keeping this website alive comes at a cost, 7 years @ £1000 with zero donations to date has left a £7K dent. 😱😱😱

Every detail you uncover and every story you piece together helps you piece family history together. Please donate if you found this site useful, help me keep the site alive! Thanks! Jason Nellyer (Researcher & Site Owner)