The 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade

(1 Samodzielna Brygada Spadochronowa)

What To Do Next
With Your MOD Records

Now that you have received your Polish relatives military records from the British Army records unit at Northalt the question is what to do with them, especially as they are in Polish!

Facebook has The Answer!

I personally hate Facebook, however it has an amazing feature you may not be aware of that can really help you find out more about your Polish Soldier relative's history. That feature is called GROUPS.

Within Facebook are thousands of groups, perhaps even millions, all with their various niche interests. But there are a few groups that are really worth joining as there are thousands of people there all with the same goal as you and all willing to swap info, notes, pictures and yes, even help you translate your records for free! How amazing is that! Nights on Facebook will never be the same!

Facebook Groups You Need To Join

It took me a good while before I found all of these groups, by accident, but my research went on crack steroids once I did. There are so many wonderful people on these groups, it is truly a blessing!

Here's the groups I recommend you join:

Kresy Siberia Group

Currently 15K members with a depth of knowledge that includes military history.

Lots of members swapping notes here and all members seem willing to help.

Kresy Siberia Polish Descendents

If you are a descendant of the Polish Kresy deportees this could be a group well worth joining

Kresy Family

Another useful facebook group focusing on Kresy and the deportations etc

Polish Forces In North East Fife

Another good resource covering North East Fife where mainly the 4th Cadre Rifle Brigade and the 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade were based.

Descendents Of 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade

A group of 42 (and growing). Being one such descendant myself I just had to join!

I hope to be a major contributor to this group so stick around and hopefully, some good content will be posted up by me soon.

Polish Genealogy

Currently 17K members with a depth of knowledge that includes military history.

Lots of members swapping notes here and all members seem willing to help.

Please Donate!


Uncover The Past - Support The Future

Each year, about 12,000 people visit this website to trace their Polish ancestry, uncover family stories, and connect with their roots. I believe that history should be accessible to all - but keeping this website alive comes at a cost, 7 years @ £1000 with zero donations to date has left a £7K dent. 😱😱😱

Every detail you uncover and every story you piece together helps you piece family history together. Please donate if you found this site useful, help me keep the site alive! Thanks! Jason Nellyer (Researcher & Site Owner)