The 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade

(1 Samodzielna Brygada Spadochronowa)

Karta Ewidencyjna P4

Polish Military Registration Card P4

Karta Ewidencyjny No2b

Section 19 - Przebieg Sluzby Wojskowej

 Przebieg Sluzby Wojskowej means military service record. This section is a quick overview of the countries the Polish soldier served in.

A frequent phrase is used in Polish military records "Przeniesiony Pod Każdym Względem do " it translates as "In every way" is a specific term used in the military. It means that in all respects (food, finances, orders, discipline, command etc) the soldier would be subject to the newly named military unit.

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  • English - In Poland from 31/08/1939 to 13/09/1939 in 42 Pulk Piechoty


  • Note: 42 p.p were in Zambrow as POW's between 10/09/1939 - 13/09/1939, presumably he was with them. Notice that the military record (left) states he was with 42 p.p until 13/09/1939. If he escaped one idea might be that on escaping he joined another unit, so his time with 42 p.p came to an end. (ARE THERE ANY GERMAN POW photos of 42 p.p from this time period?) see:

42 p.p were stationed at The Bialystok Garrison
Search for more info on 42.pp also google for photos of 42 p.p and see this one

  • ZSRR = Związek Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • English - In Great Britain the day of 17.VIII.42 conscripted/enlisted into Obóz Rozdzielcy (Distribution Camp) - No order, just recorded, refers to order below. (This was a unit of the Polskie Siły Zbrojne na Zachodzie)

The next section deals with the military records in Poland;

  • Polish - W 1930 zaprzysiężony (sworn in) 42 p.p.
  • English - In 1930 sworn in to 42  Pulk Piechoty.
  • Polish - W Polsce od 31.VIII.39 do 13.IX.39 w 42 p.p
  • English - In Poland from 31/08/1939 to 13/09/1939 in 42 Pulk Piechoty.


42 p.p were in Zambrow as POW's between 10/09/1939 - 13/09/1939, presumably he was with them. Notice that the military record (left) states he was with 42 p.p until 13/09/1939.

There are 2 possibilities here, either:

  • 42 Pulk Piechoty was effectively liquidated when the Russians captured and took prisoner 240,000 Polish soldiers (which would include Wladyslaw)
  • Wladyslaw escaped and joined another unit (unrecorded and unlikely).

If he escaped one idea might be that on escaping he joined another unit, so his time with 42 p.p came to an end. (ARE THERE ANY GERMAN POW photos of 42 p.p from this time period?) see:

42 p.p were stationed at The Bialystok Garrison
Search for more info on 42.pp also google for photos of 42 p.p and see this one

This section deals with enlisting to Anders Army through to the Middle East;

  • Polish - W ZSRR (Związek Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich) dnia 2.III.42 wcielony do 28 p.p
  • English - In USSR on 2nd March 1942 merged/incorporated/enlisted/conscripted to 28 Pulk Piechoty (28th Infantry Regiment).
  • Details - 28 Pulk Piechoty or 28th infantry Regiment (part of the 10th Division) was formed at Lugovaya by General Anders (Anders Army). Interestingly there was parachute training that went on there in -43C and using a tower as well! 
  • Polish - Uwagi: Od 3.IV.42 to 7.V.42 transport z Z.S.R.R. do Ośrodku Zapasowego w Polskich Sił Wojskowych.


  • English - 03/04/1942 to 07/05/1942 transport from the U.S.S.R. to Polish Armed Forces Base Depot (in Egypt or Palestine) 


  • Details - This is most likely the journey from Lugovaya in Kazakhstan to Krasnovodsk in the Soviet Union and then across the Caspian Sea to Pahlevi. In Pahlevi was the "base camp". However those arriving in Pahlevi were quickly assigned to other camps in the Middle East so this line lacks clarity.

This section deals with arrival in the UK (Auchtertool Distribution Camp) through to his time with the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade;

Polish - 17.VIII.42 Przybył i przydzielony służbowo i gospodarczo do Obozu Rozdzielczego, ewidencyjnie do Komendy Uzupełnień Numer 1 (Rozkazy Sztabu N.aczelny W.ódz O.działu?) I. L. 1805 /O.I.A.R. 42

English - 17/08/1942 Arrived and assigned service-wise and accounting-wise to Auchtertool Distribution Camp, registered to the Army Recruiting Command No. 1  (By order of the Staff of the Chief Commander of Department/Squad 1) I. L. 1805 /O.I.A.R. 42


"Obozu Rozdzielczego" is the distribution camp at Auchtertool in Fife. See

Polish - 24.VIII.42. Przeniesiony pod każdym względem do 1 Brygady Spadochronowej Rozkaz I. Korpusu L.Dz. 17218/I/42 and L.Dz. KU. 8084/1/42

English - 24/08/1942 Transferred in every respect to the 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade Order of the I Corps...L.Dzienny 17218/1/42 and L.Dzienny Komenda Uzupelnien 8084/1/42.(Note: These orders recorded by I Corps and by Komenda Uzupelnien under two different numbers. essentially he moved from 1 Corps to II Corps at this point.).

Polish - 4.III.43 – Przeniesiony pod każdym względem do Kompanii specjalnej Brygady Spadochronowej; Rozkazy Dzienny 1 Brygady Spadochronowej No. 36/43

English - 04/03/1943 transferred in every respect to the Special Company Parachute Brigade


It looks like this is a paperwork entry rather than a real transfer, especially as no unit by the name of "Special Company Parachute Brigade" appears ot exist. Or is this the independant Grenadier company?

04/03/1943 transferred in every respect to the Special Company Parachute Brigade
Or is this the independant Grenadier company?

"Kompanii specjalnej Brygady Spadochronowej" seems to translate to Special Company Parachute Brigade" - Special Ops?

Polish - 20.IV.43 – przeniesiony pod każdym względem do Komendy Uzupełnień Numer 1; Rozkazy K.U. 1. 58/43

English - 20/04/1943 Transferred in every respect to the Army Recruiting Command No. 1

20.IV.43 przeniesiony p.k. 42 gl?? do KU Sp. 1; 23.IV.43 przybył do Oddziału 26? KU1. KU1 likely means Polish I Corps and these may have been simply organizational (name) changes. THIS ORDER IS ACTUALLY CONFIRMED IN THE ROZKAZY DZIENNY Nr100.

Polish - 23.IV.43 – Przybył do Oddziału Zbrojnego? Komendy Uzupełnień Numer 1. R.D. K.U.1 59/43 Rozkazy Dzienny Nr 59/43

English - 23/04/1943 Arrived at ??? of the Army Recruiting Command No. 1 .  R.D. K.U.1 59/43 Daily Order Nr 59/43

This section covers transfer into the 1st Armoured Division and his time there;

Polish - 29.IV.43 – przydzielony pod każdym względem do Pierwszej Dywizji Pancernej ewidencyjnie Szwadron Regulamin Ruchu; Rozkazy Dzienny Nr 59/43

English - 29/04/1943 Assigned in every respect to the First Armoured Division registered to the Squad Governing Movement (this was the Gendarmerie/Military Police)





Polish - 30.IV.43 – Orzeczeniem komisji poborowej… przy szpitalu wojskowego Nr. 1 zakwalifikowany został jako zdolny do służby (pomoc) w posplit. Ruszeniu Kat C” zatwierdzone ?? D?? Jednostek … ??? L.d.K.U.1 10605/43

English - 30/04/1943 By decision of the Conscription Committee … of the Army Hospital No. 1 (which was Taymouth Castle) was qualified as fit for duty "Category C”. (that’s the gist of it, the details prob. not that relevant)


Polish - 10.V.43 – odkomenderowany na kurs kierowców samochodowych; Rozkazy Dzienny Nr 106/43

English - 10/05/43 Seconded for a course for automobile drivers

Detail - He returned from this on 21 July 1943 according to Daily Orders

Polish - 14.V.43 Przemian.NA Kompanii Zaopatrywania

English - 14 May 1943

Polish - 21.VII.43 – powrócił z kursu kierowców samochodów Rozkazy Dzienny Szwadron Sztabowy R.R 156/43.

English - 21/07/1943 returned from the automobile drivers course order



This section covers his decline in health;

Polish - 19.V.44 Orzeczeniem Wojskowej Komendy Rewizyjnej Lekarskiej przy Szpitalu Wojskowego Nr. 1 zakwalifikowany jako zupełnie niezdolny Kat. E” Rozkazy Dzienny 128/44

English - 19/05/1944 by decision of the Military Medical Review Board at the Army Hospital No. 1 classified as completely unfit Category E”.


Was injured and in hospital (injury from 1st armoured division?) Army Hospital No1 where was this?

This page says that army hospital No1 was Taymouth Castle!:

Polish - 20.VI.44 – przeniesiony pod każdym względem do Komendy Uzupełnień numer 1 Rozkazy 129/44

English - 20/06/1944 transferred in every respect to the Komenda Uzupelnien No. 1

Note: Komenda Uzupelnien = Army Recruiting Command 

Polish - 23.VI.44 – zgłosił się w pierwszej kompanii przejściowej Rozkaz Komendy Uzupełnień 1 141/44

English - 23/06/1944 reported to the First Transitional? Company

Polish - 5.VII.44 – przesunięty do kompanii przejściowej numer 2 Rozkaz y154/44

English - 05/07/1944 transferred to Transitional? Company

Polish -  13.I.45 roku – zwolniony od powszechnego obowiązku wojskowego na podstawie orzeczenia Wojskowej Komisji Rewizyjnej przy szpitalu wojskowym numer 1 z dnia 25 maja 1944 roku jako zupełnie niezdolny Kategoria ,E". Komenda Uzupełnień numer 1 - Rozkaz Dzienny numer 10/45

English - 13/01/1945 released from regular military duty on the basis of the judgment of the Military Medical Review Board at the Army Hospital No. 1 as of May 25, 1944 as completely unfit Category E”.  Army Recruiting Command No. 1  Daily Order 10/45



According to this site (Polish Military Hospit No 1 at Taymouth Castle, near Aberfeldy) Army Hospital No. 1 was at Taymouth Castle, Aberfeldy.

Section 20 - x

Section 21 - x

Section 22 - x

  • Polish - Uwagi: Od 3.IV.42 to 7.V.42 transport z Z.S.R.R. do Ośrodku Zapasowego w Polskich Sił Wojskowych.
  • Engllsh - 03/04/1942 to 07/05/1942 transport from the U.S.S.R. to Polish Armed Forces Base Depot (in Egypt or Palestine) (Reserves Centre?) (The P.S.W is…)

Note - See rymasjewski blog for where headquaters were which is what I think the psw is.

It's highly likely that this Ośrodek Zapasowy was in Iraq. When you see this in a reference "Szw. R.R." it means "Szwadron Regulacji Ruchu". Their order books are different to the unit he is in.

Section 24 - x

Section 23 - x